中国針灸「精誠堂(せいせいどう)」【千歳烏山 本院】東京都世田谷区南烏山5-9-2 【飯田橋針灸マッサージ治療院】東京都千代田区富士見2-2-3 ドーム飯田橋1F
Awarded with the Mishima Yukio Award in 1989, and the Akutagawa Award in the subsequent year. He is the first author to win both awards. Other than novels, between 1993-2008, Mr Ooka Rei also participated in the production of "Weekly Bookshelf", under Daily Newspaper. Furthermore, he also appeared regularly as a news commentator and anchor on NHK. Let's consult Mr Ooka Rei about his encounter and experience with Seiseido.
Due to long hours on the computer combined with wrong sitting posture, it leads to fatigue in the limbs and eyes. In order to continue working, it is mandatory that I visit the hospital. To find the most satisfying and effective treatments, I have been wondering between different medical institutions. Thus, throughout the years I have visited a startling number of medical institutions. After 30 years of searching, I stumbled upon Seiseido.
Surprised with Dr He Wei's acupuncture technique
When I first visited Seiseido, I was amazed by the speed of Dr He Wei's acupuncture technique. It was very fast and accurate. After the treatment there is a feeling of peristalsis. To be honest, after 30 years of wondering between different medical institutions, I am not expecting to experience such a stimulating first experience.
In the course of the treatment, I consistently felt the peristalsis sensation. However, once the body is completely treated of the stiffness and pain, the sensation disappeared. I am presently surprised by Dr He Wei's acupuncture technique and the results. After associating with Seiseido, I bid my 30 years of wondering farewell.
Due to some personal reasons, I stopped visiting Seiseido for about half a year. During that period of time, I suffered a few colds and my body became feeble. It was then that I realized that I should cherish my health before it's too late. After accepting the treatment from Seiseido, not only did it rid the body off its stiffness and pain, but also increase the body's immunity against colds and diseases.
Only after when Dr He Wei pointed out that I realized that acupuncture treatment not only cure the body of its physical pain, but it can also strengthen its immunity system, thereby enhancing the body's healing ability. I am really impressed by Dr He Wei's skills and knowledge.
『黄昏のストーム・シーディング』文藝春秋 1989 のち文庫
『表層生活』文藝春秋 1990 のち文庫
『ヒ・ノ・マ・ル』新潮社 1992
『不作法になり切れない人のための五つの短編』文藝春秋 1992
『リアルでファジーなファンタジー』ティビーエス・ブリタニカ 1993
『ねぇ、ここ、なおして』講談社 1994
『森の人』講談社 1994
『食味形容語辞典』平凡社 1996 「日本グルメ語辞典」小学館文庫
『生きがいクエスト1996』岩波書店 1996
『女は快楽、男は我慢 大岡玲の恋愛論』講談社 1999
『旅ゆけば、酒。』日本経済新聞社 1999
『塩の味』集英社 2000
『ワインという物語』文春新書 2000
『ブラック・マジック』文藝春秋 2002
『永遠の夏休み ひかりと本と風と』集英社 2004
『本に訊け!』光文社 2011
『文豪たちの釣旅』フライの雑誌社新書 2012
『男の読書術』岩波書店 2013
『不屈に生きるための名作文学講義 本と深い仲になってみよう』ベスト新書 2016